Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Quirky. Quirky. Quirky.

Okay, I am just now getting around to my list of six quirks. As I was reviewing the many (so many more than six) quirks I have with Michael, he decided that he too wanted in on the game. So here you have it:

Christine's Quirks
1) I can't explain it but I must, absolutely must, have mayonnaise in my food storage. I am always worried about running out of mayonnaise. Right now, we have six jars on the shelf...not nearly enough.

2) I cannot pay full-price for anything anymore (thank you Michael). I either have to make the purchase on sale or have a coupon; which makes things extremely difficult at the doctor and dentist office.

3) I must have nightlights strategically placed in the bathrooms and the kitchen.

4) I am pill-popping challenged. I never can finish a prescription, remember to take a daily multi-vitamin or other supplements. I do, however, manage to remember to eat chocolate everyday.

5) My favorite fragrance is dirt. Imagine the smell of rain as it hits the dusty pavement.

6) I, too, am addicted to tweezing (not plucking Andrea, tweezing). Although I'm not in the bathroom tweezing everyday - I want to be - it takes an immense amount of self-control. The kind I obviously cannot muster for chocolate.

Michael's Quirks
1) Michael is the King of Paper Piles. He has them everywhere. Newspapers, coupons, ads, mail, email print-outs, magazines, gum wrappers and occasional coins, golf tees and stress balls thrown into the mix.

2) Michael believes that life is a competition. If you don't know what I'm referring to just play about 3 minutes of Wii with him.

3) Michael lays territorial rights to every crossword or sudoku puzzle within a 1-mile radius. It's best to not even touch the paper until he's looked at it first.

4) Michael likes leftovers (which works out well for me). Actually, he just has a hard time with waste of any kind.

5) It is very challenging for Michael to go to any restaurant without a coupon in hand. 

6) Michael is a bit of a procrastinator. In fact he told me that lives by the rule: why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Please refer to Quirk #1.     

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I do believe I am aware of both of your quirks!
Mom I just wanted to tell you that I love you...oh and Michael too!(Does that make up for the birthday card I didn't get you?) Thanks for being such great parents! Love you and love reading your blog!