Saturday, December 27, 2008

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

Last night we had, what I hope will be an annual tradition, an after-Christmas party with many of our children and grandchildren. And even though it was supposed to be a sleep-over party that didn't happen (two legs in casts, ear infection, icy road conditions and a fear of leaving dogs home alone) - we had a blast. There was a lot of yummy holiday food, a few more presents to open, a movie and plenty of Wii gaming. Especially Rock Band...check out the photos and you'll get the drift. We love our family!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

He's A Natural

Carter turned 4 years old on his birthday a few days ago and Michael (Pops) and I (Nani) gave him skis for his birthday. Carter and I plan to hit the slopes at Brighton in the next couple of weeks but until then our little hill in the backyard works just fine. 

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Grandpa & Grandma's Holiday Pizza Party

It is a not-to-be-missed annual event. It's an evening filled with catching up with extended family, chaos, games, chaos, presents, chaos, pizza and a dash of chaos thrown in to make it more fun than allowed by law. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for keeping the tradition alive!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Favorite Things - Blog Style

Happy Holidays to One and All!

The other day I was thinking about Oprah and her annual My Favorite Things show. You know, the one where she gives all the guests in her audience fabulous gifts that she has found during the year. Well, I'm certainly no Oprah, so there will be no fabulosity-slash-generosity here...but I can share with you some of our favorite finds of 2008:

*There's this little hole-in-the-wall candy manufacturer in Ogden that makes a creamy and oh so delicious black Licorice Caramel Chew. We bought 40 lbs. this year and no I haven't gained 40 lbs but I could be well on my way. See for your own personal indulgence. Credit: Carolyn
*Michael and I can't get enough of Guy Fieri and his show Diners, Drive-Inns and Dives on the Food Network. Guy is the winner of the second Next Food Network Star Challenge. Recently Guy filmed in Salt Lake City and one of the establishments that he showcased was the Blue Plate Diner located at 2041 S. 2100 E. You can bet that Michael and I will be paying a visit to sample the breakfast menu very soon.
*Recently a dear friend gave us a box of Sun Valley Chocolate Foundry hand-dipped magic. I'm not going to lie - I'm thinking about hiding the rest of these chocolates - they're that good. You can only get this wonderful treat, in person, by making a visit to the Sun Valley Mall or by calling 208.622.2147.
*My Mom introduced me to the Bee Bar about six years ago. And Recently Michael's Mom gave us another one. What's a Bee Bar you ask? Only the most wonderful lotion in a bar that there is on the whole planet. It smells good, feels good and is made of good stuff like sweet almond oil, shea butter, jojoba, lanolin and bees wax. Get yours at Credit: Mom x2
*Debbie Meyers Bags are amazing. A few weeks ago my Mom gave me some of the bread and vegetable bags. Their story is that the bags absorb the gas (who knew - vegetables have gas?) that is released by the food so that it stays fresher much, much longer. And guess what? They really do work. You can purchase them for about $10 at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Credit: Mom 
*Cafe Rio Salad is the recipe of the year. Just about every time the family gets together - this main course salad is requested. See the recipe on the side bar of our blog.
*Michael and I recently attended an Empty Nester's FHE where we watched a stunning DVD called Reflections of Christ. The production is a photographic recreation of the ministry and life of Jesus Christ by Mark Mabry. This is a must-see, must-own book and/or DVD. They can be purchased at 
*I've read about 20 incredible books this year but I have to admit that the one I keep thinking about is Creek Mary's Blood by Dee Brown. Although many of the characters are fictional - this novel is a historically accurate account of the various Native American tribes and their travails from the early 1700 to 1980. What a powerful, compelling story. I simply love this book.
*Last year at Christmas, Michael and I gave Carly a panini press. I borrowed it a couple of months ago and now Carly may have to arm-wrestle me to get it back. We've used the press a lot - with my personal favorite being sourdough bread, muenster cheese, smoked turkey, thinly sliced onion, artichoke hearts and pesto. Yum! This product is called The Griddler by Cuisinart.
*Last on my list of favorites is Revitalash, a formula created to help eyelashes grow long and lush. Last May, my family gave me lash extensions from Got Lash? I loved, loved, loved the extensions but at $65 a pop, I could no longer justify the 4-6 week replenish appointments. Once the extensions grew out, I was left with little stubs of lash. So Carly gave me Revitalash and I've been using it religiously for the past three weeks and I've already seen a positive change. Contact Carly for your own supply or see

Well, that's the list. Next year, I'll get more input from Michael so that there will be less about food and more about golf, sports and adventure. Until then, May Your Christmas Be Merry and Every Hope Be Realized!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Carter's Walk On The Wild Side

Like clockwork, Carly dropped Carter off this morning at 6:30 a.m. He was still in his pajamas and wrapped in a blanket. He crawled in my bed and sleepily told me that he had tattoos. I thought maybe he was still remembering some dream that he had. A little later when we were both more alert, I said, "Let's see those tattoos." Let's just say that I'm glad that Carly only purchases waterproof markers. After a nice, long bubble bath we had a nice discussion about why tatoos are not a good thing. It was hard to keep a straight face when I took these photos.

Thanks for Thanksgiving

Especially when one does very little cooking, enjoys fabulous food and doesn't have to wash a single dish. Our Thanksgiving Day in 2009 consisted of myself, Michael and Mom taking a beautiful drive up the Ogden Canyon to our dinner destination - at the top of the mountain at SnowBasin Resort. We rode up the Gondola to the Needles Lodge and enjoyed a chef-prepared buffet. And even though we ate until we were ready to burst, the only one to get his money's worth was Michael - in what approximated a pound of crab claws. What a wonderful afternoon!
For the record, I did cook a turkey, stuffing and a couple of pies so that we could enjoy those yummy leftovers.

Tigger's Got Bounce...

And a bunch of medals that she earned at her State Gymnastic Competition a couple of Saturdays ago. Tigger a.k.a The Adorable McKenzie was so good on the vault, bars, balance beam and floor exercise that she is now moving up to the next level of competition in 2009. Way to go beautiful girl!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Carly and I took Carter for his first-ever 3D experience last Saturday night. We went to the sneak peak preview of Bolt. It was so much fun; we loved the movie. Check out the 3D glasses. Like Rhino...we're in stealth mode.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Birthday Boy!

Michael's birthday is November 9 - he turned 52. But look how young; how fun and how cute he is. We celebrated with a 3-day bash. Went to the Ogden Temple; then dinner; then to my Mom's for a sleepover. The next day, Michael and Mom golfed 18-holes at Eagle Mountain (I lazed about) and then she took us to dinner at Maddox. We went back to Mom's to open presents - she gave him a nice, big fishing tackle box to get everything organized to which Mike said, "My wife will be happy about this one." - He knows me so well. I planned a 10-question trivia game for him. If he got 3 questions right he got gift #1 which was certificates to KFC (I don't get it but as long as he's happy...). If Michael got 5 questions right he got gift #2 - that would be two DVD's - August Rush and 21; finally if he got more than 5 questions right he got the Wii Tiger Woods Golf game. I am pleased to report that he was successful in obtaining all three birthday presents. Sunday we had the family over to celebrate Michael's birthday (and Lindie's too) with dinner and cake. I hope he enjoyed it as much as I did. So Michael, who's record did Mark McGuire beat with 70 home run record? 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Quirky. Quirky. Quirky.

Okay, I am just now getting around to my list of six quirks. As I was reviewing the many (so many more than six) quirks I have with Michael, he decided that he too wanted in on the game. So here you have it:

Christine's Quirks
1) I can't explain it but I must, absolutely must, have mayonnaise in my food storage. I am always worried about running out of mayonnaise. Right now, we have six jars on the shelf...not nearly enough.

2) I cannot pay full-price for anything anymore (thank you Michael). I either have to make the purchase on sale or have a coupon; which makes things extremely difficult at the doctor and dentist office.

3) I must have nightlights strategically placed in the bathrooms and the kitchen.

4) I am pill-popping challenged. I never can finish a prescription, remember to take a daily multi-vitamin or other supplements. I do, however, manage to remember to eat chocolate everyday.

5) My favorite fragrance is dirt. Imagine the smell of rain as it hits the dusty pavement.

6) I, too, am addicted to tweezing (not plucking Andrea, tweezing). Although I'm not in the bathroom tweezing everyday - I want to be - it takes an immense amount of self-control. The kind I obviously cannot muster for chocolate.

Michael's Quirks
1) Michael is the King of Paper Piles. He has them everywhere. Newspapers, coupons, ads, mail, email print-outs, magazines, gum wrappers and occasional coins, golf tees and stress balls thrown into the mix.

2) Michael believes that life is a competition. If you don't know what I'm referring to just play about 3 minutes of Wii with him.

3) Michael lays territorial rights to every crossword or sudoku puzzle within a 1-mile radius. It's best to not even touch the paper until he's looked at it first.

4) Michael likes leftovers (which works out well for me). Actually, he just has a hard time with waste of any kind.

5) It is very challenging for Michael to go to any restaurant without a coupon in hand. 

6) Michael is a bit of a procrastinator. In fact he told me that lives by the rule: why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Please refer to Quirk #1.     

Monday, November 10, 2008

Day of Love

Early on a beautiful Fall morning, November 1, Michael Jon and Christine Anne were sealed for time and all eternity in the Jordan River Temple. It is difficult to find words to express the sights, sounds and feelings of that day. Thanks to the continuing love and support of family; thanks to Bishop Fogg for guidance; and heart-felt gratitude to Brother Joel Leetham for officiating. I have written a poem that...closely resembles the feelings of my heart.

This moment, this day
an expanse of hearts.
Mortal eyes clouded,
yet seeing.
Revelation opening
an expanse of Heaven.
Your hand in mine
receiving and giving.

Roughing It

My Dad and Pam have some property located near Fruitland and boy do they have some big plans. My Dad has been working hard for the past few summers to get the land cleared and to get some basic improvements in. He's done about 90 percent of the work - which isn't bad for a 70-year-old man!
Next year, he plans to put up the shell of the cabin and then over the following years he'll finishing it off. Dad's been asking us for some time to come up and spend a few days at the property - we finally made the trip. Amazing. The land is so beautiful in its own way. The cedars, rolling hills and Tabiona mountains in the background create a surreal, serene environment. 
We really had a wonderful time. First we drove to the Vernal Temple to attend a session (have to get another white push pin in the map don't-cha know). Then we headed back to Fruitland for a day-and-a-half of camping, ATV riding, fishing and just plain lazing about. Thanks Dad. We love your vision of how this place is going to look and we know you are doing all of this to leave a legacy to your posterity. We promise you'll have a lot more help in the future.

Picture Perfect

Carly invited me to go along with her and Carter to have their pictures taken by this talented photographer who flew in from California. The setting was an orchard in Provo. Everything was perfect - the light, the colors and the deer that just happened to be wandering through the orchard eating apples. I took a couple of pictures but check out the shot that Carter took of me. That boy's definitely got talent!

Birthdays & Baptism

On Saturday, October 11th, Makayla I and celebrated our birthday. I am so lucky to share this special day with such a beautiful granddaughter. Makayla turned eight today and so we enjoyed the double-whammy of birthday par-tays and the sacred and wonderful occasion of her baptism. What a wonderful, memorable day!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Coupons Rock!

I happen to be married to the most wonderful man in the world. Truly. He is considerate, hard-working, brave, thrifty and everything else Boy-Scout-Like (oh, and did I mention handsome?). I'd like to focus for moment on his "thrifty" quality. On our first real date, Michael really had to hold back because a coupon for Archibald's was burning a hole in his pocket. And after many months of wedded bliss - the use up the leftovers, buy what's on sale at the grocery store and the whole coup-it-up attitude have left a mark on a very positive way. Case in point, last Saturday Carly and I coerced Kyle into a little bargain shopping. 

Our first stop was DSW for some serious clearance sale shoes. Kyle was extremely bored after only walking a short distance in shoe heaven, but I found some beautiful, black patent leather pumps and Carly scored with a pair of boots and sweet ballet flats. As we went to check-out, I pulled out an amazing assortment of DSW coupons - two 20 percent off; one $5 off; one $10 off and one 10 percent off. I asked the salesperson to see how far she would let me take this thing. She let me use three coupons - so...let's just put it this way, between the two of us we spent $32 and saved $174! Woo. Hoo.

Next we spent some quality time at Ross looking for fun - and we found it. My fun cost about $7 and Carly's cost $130 and Kyle's fun $70. Lastly, we hit Jamba Juice and then headed home to tell this tale. 

Friday, September 26, 2008

California or Bust

Michael and I just returned from a Temple and Ballpark trip to California. It was quite an adventure. We arrived last Saturday and then rented our nice, little car. It should be noted, at this point, that I suggested that we should get a GPS with our car. We didn't. It took some doing but we arrived at the Oakland Temple. It's always an exciting time, because Michael and I are getting pretty good at discreetly changing clothes in the parking lot. Next it was off to watch the Oakland A's play ball. They played the Seattle Mariners and so it came as no surprise that the Mariners lost. In the spirit of one of our favorite shows - Diners, Drive-ins & Dives, we decided to be adventurous with our dinner plans. We ended up at the Family House of Chicken and Fish. The food was wonderful but let's just say that we were white and everyone else...wasn't.

The next day we attended Sacrament meeting at the Hayward 1st Ward. Immediately after, we took a breathtaking drive down Highway 1 on the 17-mile drive to Pebble Beach where Michael was able to get his picture taken while standing on the 18th Hole. Another high-point of the day was when Michael got to use a coupon at the Pebble Beach Market. It was restful and wonderful to spend so much time together.

We woke up Monday morning to the realization that the San Francisco Giants weren't playing that night. So we decided to take a drive to either Napa or Yosemite. Michael decided on Yosemite. I could just end this paragraph right now by saying that we were in the car for 10 hours - and in that time - we stopped for lunch, a bathroom break and to take a picture of a really big rock (El Capitan). Or I could say that we flew 600 miles to drive a 1000 miles. Or that every road we took was the wrong one. But I won't.

Tuesday morning we went to the Temple in Sacramento then drove back to San Francisco to see the Giants play. Even though they lost we had terrific seats, made new friends and Michael got a game baseball. Wednesday we went to Fisherman's Wharf and out to cruise in the bay. Thanks for the memories Michael. Loved the trip - Love you! Oh and...note to self: Never trust a Thrifty Car Rental map and get Michael a TomTom for Christmas.

More California Photos