I've been so lax in journaling lately; so let me apologize to the two followers of my blog ; )
So much has happened in the last month. The highlight was our recent trip to Washington over the Memorial Day holiday. The trip started with a frigid Mariner's game (Michael made it to two games); we skewered over 1000 ka-bobs (what kind of torture-chamber-vacation is that?); attended the Seattle Temple then went to the Space Needle for lunch; played a lot of tennis; ate breakfast twice within one hour - thanks Toppenish and Zillah; and lazed around with friends and family in the Valley. It was wonderful!
We also took at drive out to the old Gun Club in Harrah. This beautiful piece of land complete with an old lodge is where Michael's father, Alan, grew up. Alan's parents were the caretakers of the Gun Club for about six years. As we turned the bend in the road we noticed that the property was posted with a no trespassing sign. Need you ask? We walked past the locked gate and down the idyllic lane (Mom, the only one with sense, stayed in the car). No, an old man with a shotgun didn't show up - although two pretty rough watchdogs met us with a barred teeth and a growl. But we weren't thwarted What actually tripped us up was the mosquitos numbering about a kazillion that nearly carried us both off into the sunset. It was a memory-maker. Now where's the Calamine?